Sad to see the journey end =

It’s taken me 3 days to finish my final blog post. I originally started typing it at the London airport but stopped when I realized once this post is done, that means this life changing journey has come to an end and quite frankly I was not ready for that. As I sit here and think about all the great memories I have created with this wonderful group of people. People that I was lucky to have met, everyone truly added something to this trip and for that/them I am grateful. There is one memory that sticks out to me the most and that was our first dinner at the boot and flogger as a whole family. This memory is so special to me because they put us in a private room downstairs and it was as if time had stopped for a moment and we were just wrapped up in each other. It was the memory to set the whole tone for the trip. Everyone was filled with excitement, talking across the table back an forth, seeing who was getting what to eat. Bangers and mash, fish an chips or Mac an cheese, honestly where did the food even end that night? We were making plans to see what we all wanted to explore on our spare time and see if anyone had completed there group projects yet. But the best surprise came at the end of dinner unexpectedly, thanks again Dr. J’s parents =] At that moment I knew this experience was going to be life changing, from seeing a breathe taking view of the entire city from the London eye, to roaming through the streets of Chinatown, and seeing/experiencing the changing of the guard. London was alive and I was there to experience it. There are no amount of words that I can use to explain my deepest gratitude to everyone who was involved with helping me make my dreams a reality. I feel as if I left apart of me back in London and can not wait to go back an continue to explore what London has to offer. 

So for now it is not good bye but see you soon London! 
