Santa Rosa part 2

While I was at the Santa Rosa Island I learned a lot but two things that I remember are the species on the island are all originate from the main land , also that since the plates are in constant motion, this island has been moving north along the coast. Now what I was able to deduce from these two facts I learned from my faculty lead session is that the animals from southern California starts to vary as the island moves further north some species begins to change and as a result. To help understand what I’m talking about I will first explain each theory that I learned while on the Santa Rosa Island then draw a clear connection to these two things I picked up.

The first one I will want to cover is the theory of Island Geography, which states that the number of species on an island is based on the island distances from the main land and also based off of the size of the island. So since the Santa Rosa Island is part of the channel island (3rd farthest of the mainland) and is the second largest island of the Channel Islands it is susceptible to the main land but with a few differences. These spices are able to get to the island through birds, humans, floating, and fecal matter. Once a species finds its way onto the island they evolve or mutate to help survive or thrive on the island.


The other concept that I picked up at the Island was that the island is in fact in constant shift. My guides was also able to tell me that the Island is in fact moving north and the island run East to West it’s a constant line moving up. Since it’s constantly moving north that means that the islands are never in the same place and who know they could even end up outside of the San Francisco Bay.

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Now let’s put these two ideas together, if the island thrives on the main land for species and biodiversity. So if the island is dependent on the mainland then if it moves far enough north toward a different area then the species provided by the main land then change and the island will experience a new type of a species, so in a few hundred years we may find that new species now live on the island.