Santa Rosa Through Different Eyes

Santa Rosa Island differs throughout different minds. One thing is for sure, the island brings peace to ones mind and happiness to the soul. I had the wonderful opportunity to understand and envision the island through the eyes of four different professionals. Each perspective different from the other, yet slightly the same. The fact of this realization is, that no matter what youre looking for, no matter what insight, what major, or anything else for that matter, you will find it. This island brings perspective into every mindset. You just have to be willing to go out and look for it.

Through the minds of these four professionals, I saw many differences in ideas. Through the eyes of a biologist I learn that many species migrated to the island and develop now because of differences in habitat. For example, a fox out in main land may be large and have weaker eyes than the ones on the island. The ones on the island may be smaller because there is less food so their bodies and DNA adjust to becoming smaller to hold in less amounts of food. Their eyes may be stronger in the dark because there is not as much light on the island late at night.

Through the eyes of other professionals I learned that many of the species were brought here. They mutated according to the island and then created a new species. The animals who could not mutate or adjust died on the island long before they could learn to survive there. In the end both professionals agree that these species of animals must adjust to their new habitat in order to survive on this island.

Although there werent many similarities or correlations in the ideas and perspectives of these professionals, the few that were there were definitely strong ones. Throughout every group exploration I kept hearing this idea of a balance in everything you do. I found it so interesting that everyone said that equally throughout the island, in the air, and in the water, there is a balance.

Another idea i came across in each pod is that everything we do on the island can affect it in a positive or negative way. Every step we take creates a new story. Years from now our steps may be deep imprinted into the land and biologist, archeologist and more will have a story to tell or look into. Our footprints or the way we position a certain artifact or the way we created a trail will affect the art. There will be more dimension and meaning to the art.

A research project that we could look into has to do with the fresh water pond by the ocean. The pond was said not to have any fish in it. According to our art professor some fresh water fish have been spotted. The research project could be focused on how the fish got there and how they are surviving. How were they created, or were they brought there? Our biologist and even the artist may look into this. One can capture photographs of the fish. The other may study how they were brought up there. Theres so many quetions to be asked about these fresh water fish and maybe soon we will know.