I found a very interesting article about recent advances in SCI treatment from the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2015). One important change that heavily influences both ADLs and quality of life for many of these patients in the improvements in wheelchairs. Wheelchairs have become much lighter and easier to maneuver, providing better comfort and improving mobility. There are even wheelchairs under development that could climb stairs! This would be an incredible advance. I have spoken with several disabled people who use chairs that cited access difficulties as a major barrier to quality of life improvement. Though most basic buildings are wheelchair accessible, many are not. Additionally, those that are technically wheelchair accessible may not actually be conducive to chair use.

Another exciting new technology this article discussed is a type of electrical stimulation device. This device is implanted in the body and can help with hand movement, improving ADLs. Variations of this device can also help with bladder and bowel function. According to this article, ten year ago bladder and bowel related infections were the leading cause of death among people with SCIs. Today, the leading cause of death is the same as the general population: heart disease. I think this is an incredible milestone in a long road.



American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2015). Advances Made in Treatment of  Spinal Cord Injuries. Retrieved from