Search Engines

This week I looked up the topic LGBT on three different searching engines including Google Chrome, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo. The search from Google was what I expected because that’s the search engine I usually use. When I typed in LGBT the search result also suggested lgbt center, lgbt community and the like. I just stuck with my original topic. The sites I found were not bad and went well for the assignment I was working on. The next site I went on was Yahoo and it was really refreshing too search there because there were no ads. There were however a lot less sites that had to do with the whole community and more to do with what lgbt meant. So it was a little harder to look for what I actually wanted. With that site I learned that I have to be more specific in my word choice. The last site I searched from was DuckDuckGo and I’ve heard of that search engine previously from another professor I’ve had back in my Community College. So I search from that engine and once again there are no ads what so ever just websites. There aren’t even the images that Google had which I thought was very interesting. The results did not only have what LGBT meant, the acronym I mean. There were actually some good quality sites.

I learned that Google pertains a lot of it’s searches to my liking. That should not be so because I need the diversity and the challenging ideas to my own. I need the different perspectives. They make me a better person. I want to see the different perspectives and ideas. Also the ads are a burden. I do not like them.