Search For Myself

When I first read what this assignment was about I found it odd to be googling my own name.  I had never thought about looking myself up, so when I did it I was surprised to see that there were not very many things that came up with my complete name.  There was some Thalia’s and various Fernandez’s used but very few were actually put together. Some of the things that popped up the most were Facebook pages, none of which were actually mine, and youtube songs of the Mexican singer and actress Thalia.  This was kind of interesting to me because my mom actually named me after her, so seeing that she was the most popular thing to show up when looking up my name was kind of neat.  This touches a internal subject for me because I have always loved spanish music and singing it even though I only do it privately because I am so shy.  Secretly I wish I was able to do what she does and sing my heart out but I listen from afar and enjoy the music for what it is.  After looking up my name with my current employer, I did not see my first name in any of the posts.  All posts only had my last name and some sort of fitness reference to it, which makes sense because I work at a gym.  I did not find much of this to be too strange, but the neatest thing for me was to see how close of a relation my name had to the person I was named after and I looked up to.