Searching for Me on the Internet

I searched or myself on the internet and was both unsurprised and surprised. Upon my search I didn’t think I would find anything of significance. I was not totally wrong. A lot of the things I found of myself I am not ashamed of and happen to be just me, I am acknowledged in the world. What I did find interesting is that I found myself on the internet through my sister. It appears to be that she is more local there than I am. I have no problem with this.

What I found unsurprising is that there were a lot more Marina Flores’ besides myself. Flores is a very common name in hispanic culture. I even found a woman with the same in Portugal. And many of the sites that had my name were in Spanish, not surprising considering my name is a Spanish name. I also could not find myself on Facebook. There’s a million Marinas on there.

What I did find surprising was that I found a picture and an article with my name in it from my previous city college. I had forgotten I had allowed the school newspaper to take a picture of me at my previous job at the school. I also found a back ground check linked to my previous school. That was interesting, but considering I did work at a school, things like that are necessary and important. What I did find to be extremely interesting is that I found my Instagram. I didn’t think I would find it. But I did. It was on a weird website I have never heard before.

It is true, anyone has access to you on the internet.