Seed Broadcasted!

The weather cooperated this weekend, and I was able to get out to Santa Cruz Island to broadcast our native seed mix. With the help of Paula Power (National Park Service), we made some tweaks to the overall study design, and we feel these tweaks allow for a pretty robust study. In this photo, you can see one of six sites we prepared this weekend. Lying on a North-South axis, we seeded half of the 7-meter diameter circle with our native seed mix, leaving the other half unmanipulated. Although only one-half of the circle was seeded and then raked, we did rake the unseeded half to keep the study design consistent. The sample site in this photo is located in a previous burn pile, not pictured is an identical sample site located in an unburned area. Each burn site has an identical unburned site, which allows us to monitor germination of our seed mix in multiple conditions and locations. Huge thanks to Paula Power and Jim Roberts of the National Park Service for their assistance this weekend.