Seeing Things In A Different Light

20151025_141713When I first heard we were going to Santa Rosa Island, I will admit I was both excited and nervous. A weekend away from civilization sounded nice but there was a big chance that I wouldn’t be able to get any work done, which stressed me out a bit. But when we got to the island, my nerves dwindled down. Maybe this trip would be good for me. And I was right. I had a blast being away from everything and being one with nature. After all the stress I’ve been under to complete all the assignments, write papers, study for tests, etc, it was good for me to get away from civilization. I was able to relax and actually think about my life.20151024_114912

And the faculty-lead sessions were eye-opening as well. I learned to see things in a different light. A better and creative light. To take something that is usual looked at for scientific purposes and see the beauty and creativity of the object. To see the cliff sides more than just millions of years of history but a beautiful sculpture made from millions of years of the ocean hitting against the sand.

I also learned to celebrate diversity. Not only in the human race but nature in general. And I better understood evolution and how it varies from place to place. The different species of plants and animals that are on Santa Rosa didn’t just appear there one day. It’s all because of survival of the fittest.

Both of these lessons have the common core of seeing things differently than originally thought. Everyone sees everything differently. Reasons can vary from past experiences, education, way of thinking, etc. For example, one may see this trip as a getaway from the stresses of everyday life while another may see it as a burden because they’ve already had a bad experience on retreats. It is up to everyone to understand everyone’s differences.