Sepsis Protocol

In Cottage Hospital, when a pt presents with signs and symptoms of sepsis, a policy called SLAY SEPSIS Resucitation protocol is in placed for the healthcare team to follow, especially in the ED. The acronym stands for:



Activate team/Antibiotics

Yell for fluids


Straight to Critical Care

Early goal directed tx


ScVO2 Monitoring


Source Control/Steroids

The main steps are to initiate severe sepsis or septic shock order set. Then supplemental O2 or intubation for mechanical ventilation must be done. Lastly central line or pulmonary artery catheter placement must be accomplished for ScvO2 and SvO2 monitoring.The rest of the tx will then be based on the pt’s CVP, MAP, ScVO2/SvO2 values.Lastly,  per the recommended initial empiric abx therapy for pts with severe sepsis and shock protocol, the type of antibiotics used will depend where the suspected source of infection is located.


Cottage Health (n.d.). SLAY SEPSIS Resuscitation Protocol. Unpublished Internal Document.

Cottage Health (n.d.). Recommended Initial Empiric Antibiotic Therapy for Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. Unpublished Internal Document.