September 21

Struggling with Stereotypes:

This article broke down the different layers that make up a stereotype nicely!

First of all I want to share this music video by Katy Perry, I find the lyrics and the video a stereotype; however, I enjoy it!

In this song, Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg are singing about “California Girls” and how they wear daisy dukes with bikinis!  And how they are toned,  tanned, fit and ready!”

As mush as I like this song, Its a complete stereotype about “California girls.” I was born and raised in California and I don’t believe any girl who I know or am friends with wants to be described by how she wears daisy dukes and how toned and tanned she is. I enjoy the song because like the article mentions, we learn to accept  and sometimes use stereotypes!

“We need to stop categorizing and generalizing about people.”  “Wrong” (p.146).

We all create generalizations about people or things because growing up we learn about people by describing their characteristics. Growing up and going to school with people of many ethnic backgrounds, we find it easy to generalize them because we don’t know enough about them or their culture. I don’t believe it’s a must to go around and try to learn every culture to learn how to describe someone within the culture. However,  I do think its important to know what a bad stereotype is and how to avoid it.