September 28

So when reading this chapter, the entire time, I was thinking oh my gosh, social networking does kill!! But theres  a point that says it is getting better and not “deadly”. I totally disagree, Bullying has been issue since the beginning of time and we (UNFORTUNATELY) will always have it in our society (MAYBE ONE DAY WE WONT, BUT I DOUBT THAT). So, now bullies have another route to torture and people feel more capable of bullying online because it isn’t face to face. If anything cyber bullying has made a lot more kids bully, because it is easier and does not need the bullied to be present, They can bully from the comfort of their own home.

Look at the show Catfish, those people pretend to be who they’re not and they hurt others emotionally. These people normally do not turn out to be dangerous, but I think the scarier stories don’t get published as much.

So we tag ourselves in the restaurant we ate at and when we are on campus and when we have seen something cool at a store. Yah dangerous cause now everyone knows where we are, but what about the people who are there as well.. how does me posting about my chipotle put me in danger, it only is if I am a target and someone is actually looking for me.