Show 3

This episode is a great example of Chapter 8 conflicts

Throughout the episode there are multiple examples of Affective Conflicts, where there are personal attacks that may contribute to even more conflicts within the tribes.

Since Jeremy’s wife was sent home ìn episode 2, he feels a resentment towards the baseball player John for not protecting her against being eliminated. I do not undertand why it would piss Jeremy off that John didn’t protect him when the game is based on the survival of an indivisual. There is no garunteed way that John could have ensured her safety. Since Jeremy got really butthurt he soon began to turn his own tribe against John by releasing his true identity and the rumors about him given in an article in the past.

Now that the personal conflict between Jeremy and John has been established it soon extends to a huge conflict throuhgout each of the tribes. Natalie goes off on John and reveals to the orange team what he once stood for. Given the news the orange team falls into a progressive conflict when they can not decide who to vote out that night. Since the personal complications have developed a slippery slope into something bigger which concludes with john being voted out,