
Let me start by saying that this assignment has left me mind blown. The content is enough to leave you pondering in what it is we are really doing, if we really are progressing. A new way has been called on by experts who say we must halt our curriculum, and transform it into a let’s say a more effective way of going about our lives.

There is no doubt that technology has immensely progressed in this past decade and quite honestly has shaped the way we think, the things we do and most importantly who we all are becoming. These two pieces of insight provided by our Transfer Year class have two very distinct similarities that have resounded as the most impacting.

The first similarity is particularly interesting is that us, as humans should not only live our lives with technological advancements being just a tool we can use to know what’s already known, but to use it and understand the changes it is making in our everyday lives and how we can use it to our advantage to permanently perfect an advantage to live in a better world.

The second similarity is how both pieces advocate the realization of how powerful technology is. The digital world and how easy it is now a days to use it as your form of rebellion you could say. Your new way of thinking that can possibly be embraced by 2 billion active participators.

The first example of two is the Paris attack. Facebook provided a way to keep in contact on Paris about the situation. This was an accomplishment for many since this would have never been possible even 10 years ago. This here is an example of Digital Progress
and how we can guide it to help us live easier.

The second example would be GPS.
Never have we become so intricately familiar with our location than we are now. This tool allows us to travel in the right direction without actually knowing where we are going. It is an accomplishment in the digital world that has allowed us to not only travel, but travel with ease. It is a tool of trust that revolutionizes and allows us to become faster at what we want to accomplish with our life. #UNIV349DC