Simvastatin (Zocor)

What? Simvastatin is a lipid lowering agent, a reductase inhibitor (statin).  It inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, which is responsible for catalyzing an early step in the synthesis of cholesterol.

Who? This drug is used for patients with hypercholesterolemia and dislipidemia.  It is also indicated for patients with history or risk of MI, prevention of coronary revascularization, stroke, and cardiovascular mortality in patients with coronary heart disease.

Why? It inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol, which lowers the total, LDL, and triglycerides.  It also slightly increases HDL.  Lastly, it slows the progression of coronary atherosclerosis, resulting in a decrease of coronary heart disease related events.

When? Administer PO, once daily, only in the evening before natural cholesterol synthesis occurs during the night.

Where? Treatment usually continues for life.  Treatment occurs on outpatient and inpatient basis.

How? Dosage ranges from 5-40 mg/day.  Onset is within days and peaks within 2-4 weeks.  Only PO.  Do NOT double up or skip doses.  Inform provider immediately of muscle pain or weakness, especially when combined with fever or malaise.  Wear sunscreen and protective clothing.  Notify provider if pregnancy occurs.

Research by: Layne Gallimore, Rachel Alan, Barbie Christianson

Source: Skyscape: Davis’ Drug Guide