Smooth Sailing From Here

July 26, 2015 At home in California
Getting ready to go on this trip has been quite the experience for me considering the furthest I have traveled is to Davis and it was only for a weekend. Prior to leaving I made sure to do my research even if that meant being a little nerdy and stocking up on books. Determined to make the most of my trip, I bought books on what the “must sees” in London were and bought enough maps to ensure I never get lost (although I know I probably will still get lost). 


I think the most challenging part of the process though, was the packing. Keep in mind, I have never been away for a week let alone in another country! It seems that London has what we in California call “spring weather” so that meant packing a lot of layers. Being a California native, I’m embarrassingly used to the stereotypical jeans, t-shirt and sandals. Layers is something I hardly ever have to worry about. That being said, it was definitely interesting trying to sort through the list of “needs” and “wants”.


After a little help and several mini panic attacks, I was all done with the getting ready process and find myself beyond excited for the upcoming week. I cannot wait to emerge myself into a new culture and compare the normalities of their every day life to ours. At this point everything I know about Lonodon has been from books and while it’s useful information I am thrilled to finally get to experience some of it personally.  I am even more excited to experience the architecture that London has to offer. Doing my report on the London Eye and researching the Borough Market has only made me more anxious to visit these places especially the market. I am a big foodie and look forward to everything it has to offer! My only reservation is that I wish I was going for more than a week! Regardless, I am certain that I will not be disappointed in the time that I do spend there.