So it continues…

Hello all! :)

Reasons why I am currently alive. Digital image. Pinterest. Vendified Vending Services, n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. .

Reasons why I am currently alive. Digital image. Pinterest. Vendified Vending Services, n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. <>.

As my title suggests the semester continues to roll on however, spring break is quickly approaching us. (Hallelujah!) Also, the semester is half way done which means another academic year will be put down in the books or for some of you it’ll be the end but a new beginning. I’m not sure about you guys but the semester seems to be going by fast as spring semester always does for me. Even though I have gotten into the swing of things, there seems to be no medium on catching a break. I don’t know why I am so surprised though, this seems to occur every semester. I know all of you feel the same way or at least similar where you turn in one assignment just to turn in the next, chug coffee or tea just to make it through the day, but all you want to do is watch Netflix or read your favorite books (#strugglesofacollegestudent).

Well, enough of my rambling onto the good stuff. In my last post, I shared my excitement of turning in the personal inquiry project. However, we are onto the group inquiry project which I think is going to be interesting. The topic my group and I chose is parents using “baby talk” to

Why does your voice change everytime you talk to me. Digital image. Mamamia. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. .

Why does your voice change everytime you talk to me. Digital image. Mamamia. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. <>.

communicate with their children and the effects this has on their child’s development. We want to examine these effects using health science, psychological and sociological lenses. Also the age range we are using as our starting point is infancy to 5 years old. Nonetheless, the interdisciplinary lenses as well as the age range we are going to examine this topic  in are still up for debate.  As we continue to research, I believe the closer we will get to finalizing what exactly we want to convey in our paper.