So Much has Changed

I am not even sure where to begin… I was so nervous and timid and would get flustered over the silliest of things. I didn’t have a system to get ready or a system to start my day at the hospital. Now I am much more comfortable at the hospital and I have a working system. I know that will continue to improve and I will always be working on modifying my routine.

I enjoy being thrown in the mix and learning on the fly. I feel like a lot of nursing school was just that. The famous saying “I’ve done this a thousands times”

doll once

when the truth is this is your first time on a real person. One day that saying will be true but I will still not be an expert. I think that might be the art of nursing, never being an expert robot, but being a flexible confident compassionate person always ready for the challenge.

I am excited for the next step: being a new grad. I will take what I have learned in school and be able to stand up straight and take on the challenge with a smile!

I will one day do this a thousand times.
