Social Issues?

For those that don’t know that when I am not buried three feet deep in textbooks and notes, shoving large amounts of information into my sometimes very tired brain,  I am a Bartender full-time and have been for many years. With the nature of the job, different topics come up from time to time that we discuss throughout any given shift.  Many of the Reg’s(Frequent customers) know that I am back in school and often ask questions pertaining current events, “how is it going? How do you like it? When is the graduation party”? Just the other day the question rang out again, “what is it like being so much older than most of the people there?” Most of the time the answer is with a shrug of the shoulders, “it is just fine I guess”.

For some reason or another that question has resonated in the front of my mind for the past few days, and I have given it some thought. Most of my fellow student have been very kind to me, and often enough I befriend lab partners, people from study groups or that I sit next to in class. The social experience that I have witnessed has been very pleasant and quite helpful. I know that with being a bit older the social pressures and issues that I receive will be much different than my fellow students.  I don’t suppose that I will have to worry about peer pressure, racism, being bullied (either cyber or in person), or the concerns with drugs and alcohol like my fellow student might. It may be for one reason or another, but I don’t give any of those issues much thought when it comes to affecting me or my direct surroundings. I can’t remember the last time I had to endure such problems.

I do feel the pressure of being accepted in the social aspect of social status and peer acceptance. I think all humans feel this when introduced to new environments either physical or psychological.  I will always remember that first day back to class. I walked into the classroom, and all of the students looked up at me, sat up in their chairs and started putting away their phones, grabbing for notebooks and sorts. I chuckled and found my seat in the front row and had a quick laugh. I remember hearing one of the girls say, “I thought he was our professor”. I knew then that I was going to like my return to school and to make the most of it.

There are many social issues that we all have to deal with either as a student or just as a human being. Sexuality, gender identification, social media, economics, and all that I have mentioned earlier. If we take the wisdom of, “always being true to ourselves and others; knowing that who you are is not only good enough but downright fantastic”, then many of these social issues have no leverage and not need to be a concern for you or anyone else. As far as the rest, remember that you are not alone and there is always someone to talk to about it.

As I always say, remember to smile, make someone laugh out loud, and have a fantastic day.