Social Issues

For my blog post the 3 social issues that I selected are: Police Brutality, Mental Healthcare, and Gay marriage.

To start things off I choose police brutality because recently many cases of police brutality towards people have occured. With footage of the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore being covered day and night as events were unfolding it showed that there is severe tension between police and the public. With all the media attention surrounding the misconduct of police it causes the public to fear all police officers when they are approached by them. On the other hand fearing the prosecution of the media and the public many police officers are hesitant to do their own jobs.

Secondly, when it comes to the issue of our mental healthcare system research has shown that millions of people with mental health disabilities go untreated. The reason these people are not being treated is because in some cities mental healthcare can be hard to come by or some people just do not know that they have an issue that can severely effect their lives and their loved ones.

Lastly, the topic of gay marriage has been an ongoing social issues for decades. Recently the supreme court has ruled that gay marriage be legal in all states yet there are still people who refuse to issue licenses to homosexual couples. An example of such a person is a county clerk of Kentucky named Kim Davis. Kim Davis repeatedly refused to give homosexuals marriage license because of her religious background citing the bible and scripture claiming she will never issues a license to homosexuals as it violates her religion.