Social Issues

Many things in the world seem to go overlooked due to the population blindly going about their “busy” lives. The glorification of being too busy needs to stop so we can thoroughly analyze what we are promoting for the value of human life. I will be covering three important issues today that I believe have been placed on the back burner. Teen pregnancy, sex trafficking and police brutality are some issues that this world has seemed to brush off up until something bad happens.

It has become so normal in the world for teens to be pregnant and mothering children as young as 15 years old. Looking into this made me very disturbed and on edge. How does a child take care of a child? In this day and age, there are television shows, which have had both negative and positive affects on this subject. The show ’16 & Pregnant’ does indeed show many of the struggles, but I have overheard many young people say, “Maybe if I get pregnant I will be on TV.” So one can see the pros and cons to this television show. I believe we should be educating our children and younger generations on how to protect themselves and give real life examples of financial situations, health situations, and overall life situations that will help them to realize that parenting is not something they want to do at such a young age.

Now, sex trafficking is happening too much around us and we are so oblivious to it. I have read many articles and heard many personal stories about people who were stuck in that “business.” This is not a future that anyone would look forward to. Some people feel like they have no other option than to do this and become stuck in a life that could hardly be called a life at all.   Other people are forced into this world and just don’t know how to get out or feel helpless. According to Polaris Project ( ) in the year 2014 there were 3,598 sex trafficking cases in the United States alone, and those were only the cases that we found. Worldwide, there were 4.5 million people trapped in sex trafficking. It’s a shame that this is happening at all, to anyone. People who have a voice, or who are striving to make a difference should be helping those who feel that they have no other choice.

Bruises, beatings, fatal “accidents” happen all the time, but when those who are supposed to be there to protect us commit them, it just makes it that much worse. Police brutality has been an uprising issue in the United States. For example, a very recent case is South Carolina an officer shot a man in the back as he was running away from the officer. The officer claimed to be scared for his life. How are you scared for your life when a person is running away from you? Doesn’t make any sense, does it? I feel like becoming a police officer is a privilege. People should go through many exams; physically, mentally, and emotionally to make sure they qualify to make conscious and moral decisions. If a police officer has gone through a tragedy, just like any other person a counseling session would be recommended to help them through the tough times. We should be educating ourselves about these things so we can make the difference if we are ever put on a trial for a case like this, or even if we witness it we can make the difference in the outcome.