Social Issues Go to Social Media

Hello everyone, today we dive into the huge world of social media and what it has to offer the LGBT community. I chose the three formats that I have an existing account for, due to that I really did not want to open new accounts just for research purposes. I am quite amazed with the amount of pages and how diverse the selection is. On Twitter alone there had to be hundreds of links to different tweet pages and different types of blogs.  LGBT Foundation, Rainbow Noir, Buzz Feed LGBT (fun page to read). Think Progress (more political news) and Los Angeles LGBT ctr. were some of the twitter pages that I dove into and am now following. They list everything to latest news, upcoming events, where to find support and much more. When I went to Facebook I had the same result. The two pages that caught my eye were Human Rights Campaign and LGBT News.  Both pages “stand for the equality dealing with the most serious issues in the LGBT community.

As my attention turned to YouTube that is when things got REAL. Last week a few of my classmates and I were discussing “coming out’ and how it can be a very scary time. Not being gay myself I could only use my imagination and try to understand. I had tried to show my support and let them know how I felt but my words came out wrong and I may have either sounded like an idiot, or maybe even offended them, which I apologize for.



After watching this video I was left in tears and still remain very emotional on how this young man was mistreated. This is the type of behavior that sends today’s society back to the dark ages of understanding and equal rights. I understand that some people just do not, nor want to understand the LGBT community or the people who are in it, but what I do know is that day will come to an end. The word is spreading to be good to each other and live in peace with our differences no matter what they are. I can tell you that over the past few weeks I have learned so much about LGBT and all that it has to offer, and I am glad that I have.

So remember to smile, make someone else laugh out loud, and have a fantastic day.