Social Issues Part Two

Hello and good afternoon


This week we are still on the social issues of college students. The issue that I will be talking on for the next few weeks is the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community and some of the pressures and issue that might arise. It seems to me that even though there will always be cultures and religions that will frown on same sex couples, I believe that the LGBT community has made huge leaps and bounds towards equality and full social acceptance. It seems like it wasn’t that long ago that it was taboo to even speak of the subject and now we have legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states.

Many of my friends, coworkers, fellow student, and a couple relatives are gay. It has never been anything that has bothered me, nor that I felt was out of the ordinary. I have never understood the hatred that is shown to anyone because of race, religion or sexual preference.

I will say that after a short search I found that the LGBT is thriving in Ventura County. There are more events for the community then one can ever attend. BBQ’s, parties, bowling, dance club events, you name it. I found that there is a LBGT clubs on both CSUCI and Ventura College campuses both that are full of events to attend.

There is no shortage of blogs that have to do with LBGT and for all ages. There is support for those that might be having a hard time with certain issue, all the way to finding housing. As I dig deeper into this community I will be sure to share with everyone else. Below are a few links of some of the ones I liked.

Remember to have a FANTASTIC day, smile, make someone else laugh out loud, and the glass is always half full.




Think Progress

Top 10 Blogs on Transgender, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Gay Rights

Gay Teens