Social Media

This week I searched my topic  of the LGBT community on social media. The media I chose was Facebook and Instagram. In both social media sights I typed in LGBT. Simply that, no hashtag no nothing. I was pleasantly surprised to find that on Facebook it took me directly to LGBT News and the next sight was LGBT Nation. Both sights had many articles having to do with the LGBT community. Many of them were about what was happening around the world with regards to the LGBT community. I found that the LGBT Nation page was much more focused on what was happening in US politics. The LGBT News was also about politics but also took into account pop culture, not just political news. It also had as its banner the message “Be Brave” which I felt was heartwarming.

As previously mentioned I visited Instagram as well. I did not search through hashtag at first but simply put the acronym LGBT and was featured the account of LGBT text. It was hilarious in a meaningful kind of way. I also looked up the hashtag but only found vague pictures. I did however look up Ellen Page’s Instagram because I saw her on the LGBT News timeline. She had a speech for the Human Rights Campaign Dinner. Anyway, I discovered that she is in a movie called Free Held, which is about two women who are in love with each other in which one of the women contracts cancer and attempts to have her pension benefits be passed on to her partner. I feel this movie will have historical significance because I cannot recall a movie about a gay/lesbian couple as the main characters and at least one of the main actors be lesbian in real life. I am ecstatic about the information I found on Ellen Page’s account.

I, for one, am going to watch and support this movie.