Social Media

So the assignment was to go as long as we could without using social media or texting or calling people and to write about our experience. I was not able to go very long. I went about a couple hours in the morning until my dad texted me. Most peoples lives in America are very dependent on social media and cell phones and being able to contact people 24/7. When i looked all around me people would just walk around school today staring at their cell phones and not even looking up. Lots of people had headphones in as well and completely disengaged themselves from the world around them.

I think it is ironic we have to go as long as we can without technology and then blog about it to the world since blogging is a form of social media. In the nursing program as well, we were told to get skyscape on our phones and look for things online as well as use other apps we find useful when looking up medications in the hospital setting. Medical care is very dependent on technology now and i dont think its necessarily a bad thing. Technology enhances communication and makes it quicker and more efficient as well as making knowledge accessible at any time.