Social Media Search

What we were supposed to do in this post according to our assignment was to find something on our topic that is in social media. My topic is health care.

Because I am a lady I thought I might find something on women’s health care. Unfortunately all I could find really, was stuff on Planned Parenthood. Lately, because of what has been going on with Planned Parenthood and the Republicans it’s all over social media. The worst part is that it is either really one sides or the other. So this time I decided to make it general; just health care.

First I went on Twitter. I don’t have a Twitter account so I went on the main website and clicked on advanced search. I put in health care in the searched words and #healthcare in searched hashtags. At first it was hard going through the average Joe’s opinion on health care because that was all I could find. Eventually I got to AvaMed. Avamed is an organization that “is the leading association for med tech manufacturers: legislative, regulatory, payment, news you can use”(@AvaMedUpdate). What I found from them was that their organization works with companies to make medical technology. Mostly, they try to work with companies or even try to get people to start medical companies. They also promote the use of new medical technology.

The second organization that I found was on Facebook. This also took me awhile because I found more average Joe’s on my feed that were associated with or shared links on health care. Eventually I found an organization called World Health Organization or WHO. What this organization does is help people around the world with health care. Recently they are working on a project that helps adolescents with health care (ages 10-19). Mostly what I found from going through their feed was that they are working on doctors and patient understanding that a person’s age effects people’s health differently . Not only that, but will want to be treated differently, hence adolescent health care.

Of course, with these different sites I did some research and found them credible.

Link for WHO: