Socks or Sandals

My first day of class, seemed like the serial moment mentioned in the first paragraph of the article “Backpacks VS. Briefcases: toward Rhetorical Analysis” This reference in the book shows an illustration of assumptions and predetermination as a tool to persuade or appeal to a specific  target audience.Throughout the article, the author mentioned the importance of persuasion. The introduction of the media was presented as an example of how communication and  analyses are byproducts to change people’s perspective of facts and information.


After I read the article, “Backpacks VS. Briefcases: toward Rhetorical Analysis” I started to see similarities in concepts to my Political science book, “Environmental politics and policies.”  Throughout the book, “Environmental politics and policies” there is an example in the book that illustrates the ideas of persuasion through communication. The idea that information can be scud, and exploded is presented in this book. the author Mac Smith, gives an illustration of a king that shows the glass half full to his peasants, than half empty because he doesn’t want their productivity to slow down or show the evidence that he used majority of the resources.

One of the first places to start is context. Rhetorical messages always occur in a specific situation or context.” The president’s speech might respond to a specific global event, like an economic summit; that’s part of the context”. (Carroll 48) and the way, the speaker explotes the context by adding facts that lead to a bies conclusion.

Word Cited

Bolin, Laura Carroll. “Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps Toward Rhetorical Analysis.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 45-58. Writing Spaces. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.