Still Diving In

Hello and good afternoon, this week has been a very colorful(no pun intended) week as I am still diving into the communities of LGBT. If you have not been following my blog, I will sum things up for you in just a few words. I have been taking on and researching the social issues that might occur using different types of techniques. First I started with the database here at school to get some hard to the facts literature on the subject. Then it was off to the internet to see what else I could find out and if there was anything I could do to help or show support to those that rally for equal rights. At first it was scanning FaceBook and Twitter to acclimate myself with the terrien. Then I spent a couple of weeks just lurking around and seeing what I could. Now here I am engaging in the LGBT and having some interesting conversations to say the very least. At first I was met with some hesitation and unpleasantries, but now I can honestly say that I have met some awesome people. Now that you are all caught up let’s get to this week’s topic, The various effects Halloween has on some.

Halloween is a time for most of us to dress up and be someone or something that we are not. May it be a superstar athlete, a mutated zombie, superhero, in my case a super-villain or whatever fun get up you can think of. But for many people that are transgender it is the one day they get to shed their costumes. The costume that they have to wear all year long, being someone they are not. Both transgender men and women get this one day to be who they truly are without ridicule or worry. Now we all know that more and more people are transitioning from one gender to the other and that the western world is starting to open their eyes to and hearts to those doing so, and I give those people all due respect.

On Halloween night, I was at a party where there was an entire cabaret of Drag Queens on parade, and it was fantastic. There was Joan Rivers, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield and many more. I spoke to many of the girls and they were all having the time of their lives going party to party showing off their beauty, inside and out. Many said that they were transgender, but this was an especially special night for them as they could really shine. As one sang out loud, “There ain’t no stopping us now”! and I don’t think anyone was going to try.

The next day while scrolling through Twitter, I ran across some similar stories of people that had strong ties to Halloween and being able to shine on that special day. Halloween is a special time for me as I get to use my creative side, the side that most people never see. That sentence has a whole new meaning to it now as I sum up this week’s blog. “A side that most people never see,” that phrase just leaves me speechless. It leaves me like that because I am talking about my hobby, not who I am inside. It leaves me in silence because I know that many people are waiting eagerly for 364 to pass so they can shine again.

Next week I will be covering some health issues and ways to deal with them. Until then, remember to smile at others, get someone to laugh out loud, and have a fantastic day.