
Yesterday as a group we went to Stonehenge and Oxford as well as made a trip to Windsor castle, which by the way is the oldest standing castle in the world.  My favorite part of the day was definitely making it to Oxford because we were exposed to the brilliance of the first English speaking university and we also became indulged in the culture.  The main highlight of Oxford for myself was being given the privilege to experience the eagle and child pub which is a local pub in Oxford. The significance of this pub was the fact that many of the greatest 20th century writers met in a secret group here only for those to discuss important literary works.  One of the main figures of this group was JRR Tolkien who by the way wrote lord of the rings and the hobbit. He made an impact on my life with his works because it made my life so much better and it made me get the chance to dive into the fantasy world. Although it was a short trip, im glad that I was able to walk into the pub and grab some food as well as obviously take pictures of the pub itself. I didn’t catch a good snapshot inside of the pub but I did catch a great photo from before we walked in. Hope you enjoy !