Strength Finder

I chose to take the Strengths Finder quiz because I was given an unused access code.

I didn’t love the format. It was a 100+ question survey and it had a statement on either end, and in the middle was a neutral option and then either side was “extremely like me” and then “somewhat like me” and then I would choose which option applied most to me.


My results gave me my top five strengths which are (in order):

1. Harmony

2. Context

3. Intellection

4. Empathy

5. Individualization

I personally was not surprised by my results after reading up on the different strengths. Each strength is put into a category, and the four categories are: executing, influencing, relationship building, and strategic thinking. Three out of my five strengths were relationship building and I definitely see that as my strong suit. I love taking these kinds of surveys because when I get the results it’s extremely validating, like “Oh yeah! That’s totally me!”.  I do agree with Jaimie that it is a little frustratig to only get my strengths and not things I could work on, especially since it was such an extensive survey. Attached is the breakdown of my 5 strengths for further reference.

