Structured and Creative Problem Solving in Groups

This week on Survivor there was definitely conflict. When it comes to decision making, they try to have structure. For example, when it comes to voting, they try to decide before tribal council who will leave rather than just decide on the spot and not discuss it with other members of the tribe.

I thought the biggest form of conflict this episode is the conflict between the genders. Particularly when John went to exile island and the boys were acting chauvinistic. They didn’t defend themselves and i was so shocked!! If that were me i would have said other things back. BUT because violence is not the answer, they should have used some other structured problem solving techniques.

Jaclyn in particular should have addressed the boys about why they would only strategize with her if John was there. They could have identified the problem and identified possible solutions. The advantages of her doing that would be that she would raise her credibility as a player that she was strategizing.