Surround and drowned…in double servings of rice!

As this episode starts we notice a change in the tribes. One tribe has three groups of loved ones with one single and the other tribe has one group of loved ones and the rest are singles.  It will be interesting to see how the power distance changes in these groups with this change. I think that loved ones will team together against singles. Seeing as the United States is labels a low power distance, I am going to assume that these tribes are also low power distance seeing a culture is a direct effect on how people act in a society.

Coyopa is now mainly a female tribe with woman outnumbering men, four to three. It will be interesting to see if they become a masculine value team or more of a feminine value team. I think that due to the environment and challenges, they will lean towards more masculine values.

The Hunapu tribe use to be more of a polychromic time, but now with drew gone and this switch it will be interesting to see how this shift will play out. Where was the Coyopa tribe was more about monochromic time, they were more punctual with tasks and getting them done.

Both tribes cultures are low context, they all rely on language to survive. Without language all communication would fail and the teams would see a dramatic change in how they play the game. Can you imagine living without communication? Not me! They all “tell it like it is” and say what they feel, there is no saving face when it comes to americans and on top of that, there is no saving face when it comes to reality shows.