Survior Blog Post #1 Ch 2

In the first episode of Survivor I noticed that some of the Group Development Stages were occurring right away. At first you could tell when everyone was waiting to find out which group they were in they were quiet and to themselves, checking out who was around them. This could be the stage of forming, because they were quiet and cautious. However right when they split the couple (Collins) both Val and Jeremy take it as “They’re there to play” so they already have a focus on winning and on their group. So as a group, both team blue and orange have goals which is their belief and meaningful and worth their wild. (Engleberg, 2013)  However a little while later in the episode you could see the Group Development stage of Storming starting to happen. Group orange starts to establish a hierarchy and at first want to single out Dale W. They think he is old and wont be that worthy on the team. So people in the group start to go around and follow each other on the choice of leaving him out. Soon Dale shows them though by being the only one who could start the fire. This makes group orange start to rethink their first choice and even ends up saving him in the end of the episode.

One of the group motivations that is shown in this episode is the the sense of meaningfulness. This is because one, they all have a shared want, which is winning the show so they are all going to work together to win. And second they all have love ones on the other team so they have an understanding of feelings towards the opposing team.

Claire Campagna Comm 220-02