Survivor #1

In the first episode of “Survivor” there are two groups, to make it simple I am going to label the groups “group orange” and “group Yellow” as in the episode the group members for bother groups had these assigned colors. When both groups first arrived on the island the two groups were very different in the way the members adjusted to the new idea of living on an island. I am going to give a brief summary of how the two groups behaved and how the members behaved within the group and how it related to the assigned reading for Chapter 2 in the textbook.

Starting with group orange on day one the members were confused and unorganized. With having no group goals or personal goals assessed yet. A member of the group Rudy, who was a retired navy seal was very frustrated with the group and their organization of the supplies and how they were getting them to the island. He would yell at the members and talk down to them as they were less than him and being controlling as if he was the leader of the group. This to me showed a sign of Secondary Tension Stage already being reached within the group. This group also at the beginning had problems with arguing with one another. Everyone would talk at once, interrupting everyone who was trying to speak. Everyone was shouting their own opinions of group goals and personal goals that were all overlapping with one another and it was just a complete mess overall. The group overall was unprofessional, unorganized, and started off on the wrong track with member problems. There was one group member in particular that was a problem at the beginning of the episode and this member was Richard. He seemed to be a bit rude, disrespectful, argumentative, and not a team player. He separated himself from the remainder of the group and would stay along the tree line. He later on in the episode became more part of the group. This group I feel started off with Secondary Stage and ended the day on the same stage. I also feel like the member of the group Richard was prohibiting Destructive Nonconformity.

The second group being group Yellow began their adventure a little differently then the previous group. In this group they all got along instantly for the most part. They were able to interact with each other from the instance they reached the island. They were already sharing sharing their ideas and opinions among themselves of what should be the first course of action for the group and what goals should be set for the group. They all agreed that the first course of action was to find a source of water. Which they were able to find this source quickly due to them having a map that laid out the water source. Then later in the evening they had a camp fire where they all got together and shared personal stories about their lives and adventures. Where they all were able to laugh among everyone and have a good time. It seemed like from my personal point of view they were able to begin with the Norming Stage and end the day off with the Performing State. Their group started off and ended off in good places and will be able at this point to achieve a healthy group relationship.

This is how I feel the first episode related to the Assigned Reading for Chapter 2 and what the two groups showed signs of during the episode