Survivor #2

In this episode of Survivor the teams are more aquatinted with one another as they have adapted to their new life and the people they have to work with and count on to further on. In the episode one of the members of the blue team lost the flint and this made the person who lost it feel bad and guilty. Feeling that the other members of the group are looking down upon him. This shows the need for inclusion, how he relies to feel included, involved, and accepted by the other members. When you do not have this you may feel under social. Also in the blue team the men at the beginning of the episode felt the need to show the women in the group of their strengths, where the men would lift logs and other items. This shows their need for affection to be liked and a productive group members.

The first challenge comes around. The challenge involved the need for patience and a steady hand. The challenge was against John and his girl friend Julie. Where Julie was the winner of the challenge because she had patience and a steady hand. John on the other hand was struggling as he did not have a steady hand and was loosing his patience during the challenge. During the challenge he seemed to exhibit some sign of aggressiveness as he was loosing to his girl friend.

After the challenge Natalie needed inclusion and affection due to hearing that her sister was kicked from the other group. This had a large tole on her and it was hard for her. The other members of the group felt for her and comforted her.

Later on in group yellow they find out more about who John is and his past. This makes the group feel uncomfortable around him and has some members agitated and having conflicting feelings about the guy.

In the last challenge of the day the blue team wins, though during the challenge there were some emotional times. The mother and the daughter for an example when they battled each other. The daughter hurt her lip and was bleeding. This concerned the mother as it made her feel bad and made her feel it was her fault and it had the daughter emotional about it as well. The batter tend to exhibit aggressive behavior between the people who battled each other as it was a type of combat which was one on one

Yet again the yellow team is forced to vote someone off the island