Survivor #2 Method to this Madness

In the second episode of survivor It seemed to me that the dynamics of both teams were very different. With Hunahpu still on an undefeated winning streak and Coyopa not advancing in the competition Coyopa’s members were very frustrated with always worrying about whose going to be the next one to get voted off the island. In this episode I thought that josh displayed inclusion needs because his whole plan was to be on both sides of his tribe. He wanted to be liked by both the girls and the guys. Which in my opinion is a really smart move because if your liked by everyone then your chances of getting votes in elimination are very slim.

The need for control came in the competition when kelly, Val, and Baylor were discussing who to vote off the island next. They all agreed on Dale but Baylor deciding to go rouge didn’t choose to follow because she wanted to do what was best for her or what came to her connivence. Unlike Coyopa, Hunahpu’s member Jeremy is a very overpersonal member of the tribe. Jeremy is an overpersonal member because  he is very friendly and tries to create a close relationship with everyone of his group members. The total opposite of Jeremy would be John from Coyopa because he plays the self-centered role by only thinking about securing himself by finding the idol to have better chance in staying longer in the game.

At the end of the episode when the Coyopa tribe found themselves in elimination once again I thought Val and Kelly were showing their assertiveness when they were trash talking with Baylor.  When the two members were verbally attacking Baylor I thought it showed how passive Baylor was because all she could say was “wow”.   This episode revealed a lot more drama then the first episode and it made me want to know what will happen next.