Survivor and CH 6

The newest episode of Survivor kicks off with the news that the tribes will be merging. As soon as this news reaches the Hunahpu tribe Josh and Reed engage in team talk and demonstrate this in the team talk dimension of identification, planning that “we need to get Jeremy out.” When the two tribes are merged and reacquaint themselves with each other, Jeremy also begins to engage in team talk with as many allies as he can gather. Talking  with both Missy and John, Jeremy also demonstrates identification when he continually expresses “We got this.” When Josh and Reed discuss their fear of Jeremy’s plan and their need to gain numbers, Josh inherently uses conflict management stating, “I’m going to guilt trip Baylor.” Also when talking to Baylor, Josh expresses a sense of Interdependence when he tells Baylor “with you, we have the numbers.”

Conflicted about betraying Josh and allying with Jeremy’s alliance, Baylor seeks her mom’s advice to figure out what their best plan is. In this instance Baylor offers a perfect example of the relationship between language and gender. Her discussion with her mom portrays her tentative and apprehensive emotions and she asks her mom several questions to ensure that she is doing the right thing.

Josh is obviously getting very worried that the majority of the tribe is going to ally with Jeremy. He exhausts all the options and pleas he can, confronting John and Jaquelyn. However, in my opinion John and Jaquelyn’s facial expression tell their whole perspective. Neither John or Jaquelyn want to make eye contact with Josh and try to keep their focus away from Josh. John seems like he is trying to distract himslef from the conversation in attempt to stay very straight faced and avoid conveying a clear decision to side with either Josh or not. Josh’s face also doesn’t show much hope as he kind of puts on the “I gave it a try” face.