Survivor and CH 9

The two alliances continue to grow clearer and stronger as Jeremy and Josh fight for their spot on Survivor. Jeremy is reliant upon John and Jaquelyn to sway the vote in his favor as Josh pleads John, Jaquelyn and Baylor for some insurance. After the reward challenge, Josh makes another move on Baylor to try and gain her alliance. Josh engages in a question of policy when he states, “Don’t you think you owe me the favor not to vote for me?” Josh thinks that because he had voted and rallied to save Baylor in previous tribal councils that a policy of a returned favor is in order. Baylor is very turned off by this move from Josh and begins to question his value, explaining that it is immoral and wrong for Josh to ask and request for Baylor’s loyalty because he did her favors previously. She even goes on to question his up bringing and wonders how someone who was raised by a pastor and such a strong Christian background could make such a request and enact that kind of policy.

After indulging in their taco bar reward, Keith, his son, and Alec get back to camp and can’t stop talking about and flaunting their reward in front of the girls. Alec takes his disrespect to another level, acting as if Baylor is his slave and making remarks about Jaquelyn and Baylor doing nothing for the tribe. This obviously upsets Jaquelyn very much and perhaps causes her to make a spontaneous decision when she claims that the boys remarks lost them her vote and alliance. Although it seems logical that Jaquelyn would act this way and it is justified that she shouldn’t vote or ally with the boys, her decision was not completely rational and may be something she regrets in the future. With Jaquelyn’s mind made up to change her vote and her relationship with John, Alec’s mouth could have just changed the entire game in an instant.