Survivor blog 02-Episode 2 Ch. 3

Survivor blog post 2

In episode 2 of Survivor, Blood vs Water, a lot of the personal issues between the tribe members start to come out. This episode really starts to show some of the tribe members true colors when it comes to communication and personal relationships. The stress of competition and the desire to win has really came into the minds of the tribes. Both the Coyopa and the Hunahpuh have shown intensity while working through the problems of the competition.

When a member of the blue team loses the flint, the team kind of turns on him. They all kind of put him down and see him as a weak point in the tribe instead of an asset. The flint is seen as a very important tool in terms of survival and losing it has put his reputation and overall experience in jeopardy. In chapter three, it explains The Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation Theory. This theory focuses on three needs that most of us share. They are, inclusion, control, and affection. All of these needs were definitely exhibited in this episode. The need for inclusion was definitely shown when the member of the blue team felt pushed away and kind of disowned for losing the flint. That would make anybody feel the need to be included again. Especially when you were included at one time, but now you are not due to your own accord.

Towards the beginning of episode 2, Baylor and Josh have issues with their alliance. During the tribal council, Josh votes for for Baylor in order to try and show everyone else that he has not formed an alliance with her. This shows how far he is willing to go in order to maintain control of his relationship with her and the advantages he gains from their alliance. Later, on night 3, Josh talks with Baylor and shows his sorrow and his reasoning for voting for her. He reassures her of their alliance and shows his affection for their friendship. The need for affection can be very strong especially in other parts of the show. Especially when more serious relationships are involved or develop.