Survivor blog 03

As the games go on things definitely get heated as more people are sent off to exile island, like Keith and Josh. It’s surprising to see how Keith is still around even though he’s been sent to the island twice. Which leads me to my first interesting point. It seems that as people begin to have less resources and attitudes start to flare, initial task roles significance dwindled and group maintenance roles start to develop, which are more long term roles. Keith, I believe took on the encourager-supporter role, which praises everyone keeps everyone encouraged and even listens empathetically. I feel that’s also an enormous reason he hasn’t been voted out, he isn’t a threat.

Another heart wrenching moment passed through; Val was voted off last week separating her from Jeremy, then John was voted off.  Through out the show John helped the team physically and was a huge asset because he was athletic, however, he lied to his teammates and was manipulative as well. A common theme is that no one likes to be lied to, so I can understand why John was voted off, he only had his individual motives in mind (essentially extrinsic) which made the group suffer. John’s role was more of a deserter to me, which I have never really worked with before, thankfully.

The entire show, John decided to hide the fact that he was a big star because during his baseball career incidents occurred that made him look racist and self centered, however if he had mentioned that to his team they probably would have had a much easier time believing him when it came down to voting him out or not.

Another thing I noticed this week especially was the alliance of women; People tend to grab onto the familiar and all the women in the show who hadn’t gotten voted off because of being too big of a threat started to follow all the men. It was easier to follow than to fight the flow, which was don’t do anything to get kicked off. John’s girlfriend seemed to be the help-seeker, when problems arose with John, her whole team was against John.

Jeremy being a firefighter, socially he would be considered a leader so it didn’t surprise me that he was on the show as well. I think he may have been too concerned with his wife on the other team which made him look less concerned about his team and more about his relationship with his wife.  So one might question Jeremy’s level of commitment to the show. Even though some roles were kind of obvious, others haven’t developed as well.  I believe that seeing the show go further and tempers tested more we will really see exactly the role everyone is playing, especially when we run out of contestants.