Survivor Blog 1

        The first episode of Survivor began by portraying the initial forming stage that newly formed groups experience. As the loved ones were separated from their partners and distributed into different tribes, each of the members were forced to acquaint themselves with complete strangers. Throughout the remainder of their stay, each of the contestants are forced to work alongside these new people in order to complete challenges and ultimately survive in the competition. Within the first one or two days, some behavior related to primary tension became identifiable. For example, Dale, a member or the Coyopa tribe, seemed introverted and exhibited more apprehension while other group members became more engaged with one another. He felt his age made him an outsider within the tribe. Therefore, when the group members banded together to try and form shelter and fire, Dale separated himself from the rest of the tribe and tried to accomplish the task on his own.

        After Jeremy won the first challenge for his tribe Hunahpuh, it soon become clear that alliances were beginning to take form as the groups entered into the storming stage. Jeremy, in attempt to establish status among his group members, resolved to connect with the other contestants on an individual level. Through building one-on-one connections with the other tribe members, Jeremy was able to build trust as well as create his place within the tribe. In addition, Jeremy also established himself as a leader among the group.

        On the other hand, the Coyopa tribe became more divided as time elapsed. The female members formed a subgroup within the tribe while the male members formed another. When it came time for the tribe to vote someone from the team out of the competition, members confided in one another in order to make the best decision. While the female group spoke of voting off Dale, the oldest member of the tribe, the male group discussed voting off Nadia. The men believed she was untrustworthy and suspected her of having a hidden agenda in other televised competitions she participated in. The male members felt her history would inhibit the group’s progress and ultimately become detrimental to the tribe later in the competition. In the end, previously undecided voter Josh appeared to also vote for Nadia, which ultimately led to her being sent home.