Survivor Blog #1

In the first episode of survivor for this season the show is based on couples being spit from each other into opposing groups. The teams are going to compete against each other to dominate. In the first challenge Jeremy competes against his wife in the first challenge. It was very hard for him and was emotional for him to compete against his wife and send her to exile.

After the first challenge the two groups go to their places of the island to get situated with where they are going to be living. The Blue group begins in the forming stage, where they explore their personal goals and explore possible group goals but have not been set at this point as everyone is wondering off with their own goals. No group meeting has been established at this point and no assigned roles have been established as well. Jeremy begins with getting to know the other women in the group and the other women see Jeremy as the go to person and the person they can trust so Jeremy and the women in the group establish a relationship for working together and potential partners.

Yellow Group: are also in the forming stage as that is the first stage in forming a group. Their group begins with creating a group objective with being creating a fire and having shelter unlike group blue where they did not have a group goal in mind. One of the group members though by the name of Dale has not integrated with the rest of the group. He has been isolating himself from the rest of the group and feels left out and having nothing of use to provide for the group as skills and needs. Therefore he does not feel included in the group. But he still works with the group goal by himself to promote the welfare of the group and the people. This puts him in the mindset of constructive nonconformity as he is still working to promote the group.

Blue Team: In the meanwhile still do not have a group goal and are working on their own interests and goals. Drew starts to feel like he is in a state of power and begins to believe he may be or become the role model and leader of the group.

In this episode the blue team has been wining the challenges but just because they have been winning the challenges that does not necessarily mean they have a better group or well established one. The challenges but people on the same mindset and gives everyone a common goal to achieve that everyone wants to achieve but besides from the goal that does not mean that everyone still is on the same mindset and are still being productive and working together for the well being of the group. Group blue lacks teamwork outside of the challenges and lacks the necessary needs of a common goal and roles that are needed for an effective group. On the other hand team yellow has established a more well put together group. This is because the group has set common goasl and group members work together to achieve these goals. This is apart of the necessary needs that a group must have to be effective and last in the long run. This group does not seem to be putting personal goals or themselves before the welfare of others and the group overall. Which good for the health and longterm survival of the group and the people.

Towards the end of the episode the team yellow is forced to vote a person off the island. This vote begins to split the group in half where is the men vs. the women as the men want to vote a women off the island and the women want to vote Dale off the island. This is unhealthy for the overall good of the group and that is the problem with forcing a group to vote one of their own off the island.