Survivor blog #1 Blood vs. Water

This is a new thing to me because I’ve never watched the show before. It starts out by a group of 18 people getting dropped offed in Nicaragua. Each person came with a with a loved one. Right away they are faced with their first challenge which is to create fire from using flint.  Most groups are successful in this and some aren’t so lucky.  As they go from group to group they each contestant explains their reasoning for wanting to be on survivor and why they think they will win the final prize of $1,000,000.  Further watching the episode you can tell right away which groups have problems and which groups are much more compatible. The contestants were divided into two groups, blue and orange. After they were divided the first challenge was a husband and his wife against each other. The husband won (Jeremy) and was awarded the flint as a prize. It became extremely emotional when his wife was sent to Exile Islands. Early on there was a team of a father and son who had lost the flint pen and started going through a storming stage on what to do. They ended up working together to find a rock to try and start their fire even though it was unsuccessful,  I could see that they had shown solid problem solving abilities. After Wes finds out that John is an ex pro baseball player, John decides that if he gets the chance he’ll take Wes out of the game. At the first immunity challenge the teams forming stage is ending and now they have to work together. The blue team wins and emotions again run high. Josh has put himself in a really good spot because everyone on the orange group is consulting him on which way his vote will go. I was happy to see Nadia leave i really didn’t like her attitude. I think its safe to say at this point in the game no one is safe but its always better to be in known as the guy to come to with problems, then the guy who is the problem.