Survivor Blog #2

In the second episode of survivor  we are starting to get to know each person a little more and see how their personalities begin to come to light. At the beginning of the episode twin sister Natalie opens up about how she feels not having her sister on the show, she is upset and says how she has never been apart from her the team shows great support and help her get through that rough time in the challenge.

Later in the show team player Jon from the hunnaphu team lost the flint to start the fire and I believe this is when he showed being a confessor after he admitted to what he did and took full responsibility for his actions.

In the immunity challenge both teams are being big supporters of the two competitors.  When Baylor went against her mom I felt like she was an attention seeker because when she busted her lip she began to cry and I felt it was done to get the attention from her mom and so she would feel sorry for her. It seemed to work and distract her mom from the challenge and Baylor took the win!!

I feel like in this episode we are starting to see how people are beginning to be more self centered and more selfish I mean there is only one winner at the end!!!!