Survivor Blog 2

This week on survivor the infamous John Rocker showed how one group member can disrupt a tribe.  Before I get into a few of the member roles that I noticed I want to quickly rant about how terrible of a strategy Mr. Rocker employed.  The blond girl in his group pretty clearly stated during the vote session, sorry I dont remember what it is actually called, that the group alliances were thinking of going in a different direction.  That should have tipped Rocker off then and there that something was amidst.  Foolishy, or maybe due to a ego complex, Rocker did not fully comprehend what was going on.  The other members that were in on the plan realized the boneheaded mistake that the blond girl had made.  They attempted as best they could to cover up for her.  That didnt work as the lady once again very clearly stated that a curve was coming in the vote.  How Rocker did not see the giant red flags that were being waved all around him that he was about to be voted out did not make any sense to me or my wife.  I mean how oblivious can you be.  Even if you have the slimmest possiblity that you might be voted out shouldnt you play that immunity necklace.  If something happened that I didnt notice please feel free to let me know in the comments.

Now as far as how the chapter correlated to the show I found that the group roles were on display while the tribe was discussing who to vote out.  Several of the tribe members were opinion givers.  The girl Baylor was very adamant about expressing her opinion that Rocker should be voted out.  She also became an elaborator because she laid out exactly why Rocker should be voted out .  Josh took on the task of being the group coordinator because he concoted the plan that eventually worked out.  Rocker took on the self-centered role of dominator.  As soon as the challenge ended he was pushing his thoughts and plans onto the other tribe members.  The tribe did not like the way in which he had been conducting himself and in the end it ended his time in the jungle.  Hopefully next week the fish that the orange tribe is now eating will help to encourage better brain function than what has been exhibited so far.