Survivor Blog #2 Episode 3

I thought this episode was really intense and entertaining because of all the drama between the two tribes and within the tribes. You could really tell that team members were getting really frustrated because their loved ones were getting kicked off and they all took that really personally. People were getting emotional and choosing sides. In Coyopa Tribe, John was pretty confident that his group was going to try to eliminate all the girls from the tribe because he felt like they were bringing the whole group down. During the obstacle courses, John was showing very poor sportsmanship. Jeremy was upset at Coyopa because John promised to watch over his wife, Val, and failed. Jeremy also realized what John was trying to do with all the girls in Tribe Coyopa and thought it was unfair, so Jeremy blew John’s secret about being a baseball player who used to make racist and homosexual remarks and that is when people started to question John, even his own tribe members. His tribe felt almost scared of him and felt that they couldn’t really trust him. Teams or groups should not be like that at all you shouldn’t really be scared about trusting your group members. That part of the episode really caught my attention because you really had no idea who was leaving because you had no idea who was lying and who wasn’t. But in the end I am happy that they voted John off the Coyopa Tribe because he wasn’t really honest, respectful, and the way he threatened another tribe was not ok and groups should not have members/ teammates with that attitude.