Survivor Blog #3

In this episode of survivor their seamed to be a lot of conflict going on within the groups and between groups, I feel like the majority of the episode focused around the conflicts with the groups. In the beginning of the episode Baylor mentioned how she felt betrayed by Josh. This is because in an earlier episode Josh had an alliance with Baylor but when it came to voting someone off the group he decided to turn his vote against Baylor for what he thought would be for the greater good of the group. Then when John told her what he did Baylor felt betrayed and hurt, not knowing if she can trust him anymore with knowing he did this. I would say telling her in the first place would give him some credit at least. Overall the problem Baylor seems to have is that because of this betrayal she is unsure of who she can trust and feels she can’t trust anyone in her group and is worried that she may become the next person off the island.

In group blue as I will call them, was facing some conflicts in the group as well. In the episode the group as a whole at least for the most part decided that they needed to reinforce the structure of the sleeping area or I would say was the shelter area. They wanted to reinforce it incase of future storms, wind, or rain coming to the island that can damage the shelter. They decided to go ahead and reinforce the roof by intertwining the leaves that worked as a roof to make it hold stronger and stay together better. As the group was weaving the leaves for the roof Drew decided to stop as he was going frustrated and said weaving is not his strong suit and decided to lay down and take a nap. This upset the other members in the group and they felt he has not contributed to the group enough if at all and he was not going to make it very far in the show as he may get kicked from the group in a future tribal meeting or he will just leave the island and quit as he can’t handle living on the island.

In the orange group tensions within were growing stronger and stronger. In the group the men had an alliance and the women had an alliance. I see this as a Destructive Conflict that is going on within the group as these alliances in the group are not benefiting the overall group and its going to further prevent the group from working together as a whole and be able to achieve group goals. I also feel that they are not thinking ahead enough to what will happen if say the men take out all the women in the group? The men will have to take out their own and go against one another. This is only a temporary solution I feel they are seeing and maybe instead of having these alliances that are crippling the group they should look at the real problem and start winning these challenges that will prevent the entire problem with having a tribal meeting and voting someone off. Since the blue team seems to be doing so well with not voting people off.

In the end of the episode, the yellow team once again ends up having a tribal meeting. The interesting thing about this tribal meeting is that the alliances within the group seemed to have shifted. The men, at least some of them decided to break the alliance and get together with the women to vote out John. John did not really expect this to happen even though it seemed like there was a couple settle hints that something may be going on at the tribal meeting when the members were talking. John even brought the medallion that would save him from being voted off but decided not to use it as he did not feel like it was needed yet.