Survivor Blog #4

In this episode of Survivor their seems to be tensions rising within the tribes, especially in the blue tribe. In the beginning of the episode the tribe members of the blue tribe were becoming extremely annoyed with Drew. The tribe found the old flint in the beginning of the episode and this opened up wounds from an earlier episode when they originally lost the flint the first time and traded the fishing gear in order to get another flint. Drew at this point keep bringing up how the group should have not traded the fishing gear in the first place. It seems like Drew thinks of himself as the leader of the group and the only person who would be able to lead the group.

The first challenge the Blue tribe wins once again and John sends his girl friend to exile island and in addition sends Drew from his tribe to accompany her. While on exile island Drew mentions to Drew’s girlfriend that he is going to throw off the next challenge that way the yellow tribe will win and the blue tribe will be forced to vote someone off the island. Drew wanted to do this because he felt it was time to vote someone out from his tribe and by doing this it would further his chances of making it longer in the game, at least he thought it would.

Back in the blue tribe Keith and Jeramy begin to have problems. Keith gets a hint of where an immunity idol is and where he attempts to recover it he could not find it. This made him believe that Jeramy has it because he was the last person to be at exile island before him. So he goes back to the group and tells his fellow members that Jeramy has a idol without knowing for sure if he does have one. This made Jeramy feel betrayed since he thought they had an alliance since they are both firemen and now because of this Jeramy wants to get Keith voted off from the tribe. Keith after telling the group members goes back for another attempt at finding the idol and actually finds it.

In the yellow tribe, Alec seemed to be acting like a brother figure with one of the girls from the group and called this girl out on not doing her part on something. After doing this Alec confronts her and tells her why he did what he did and acted in the why he did. He mentioned its a part of his personality because of his childhood and the way he was taught growing up from his father why it came to doing his part and doing a lot of the work himself. This I saw was an example from the textbook on the chapter about Diversity.

Towards the end of the episode, the Blue tribe ends up having a tribal council since they lost the second challenge due to Drew throwing off the challenge. Drew thought he was going to be able to convince the tribe members to vote the person he wanted out of the tribe but it didn’t end up working in his favor. The tribe ended up voting Drew himself out.