Survivor Blog #5

In this episode of Survivor a lot happened. To start the blue tribe had their first tribal meeting where they kicked John from the group. This was very ironic in this case because John was the one in the first place to force his tribe into having a tribal meeting by throwing off the previous challenge from the previous episode so he could attempt to convince the group members into siding with him to kick members from the tribe that he felt threatened his chances of continuing farther into the show. In this current episode the yellow tribe was speculating who was kicked from the blue tribe before they got together with the other tribe to meet that day. When they found out that John was the one kicked from the blue tribe they seemed to be all surprised. This was because they felt that John was the biggest asset in their tribe and it appeared to them that John would have been the last person to have been kicked. This to me is an example of listening in groups because since the yellow tribe had no idea what was going on in the blue tribe that it would be hard for them to speculate and or know why John was the one who was kicked. They thought John was their biggest asset but they would not truly know unless if they were on the blue tribe and understood from their perspective what John was really like.

Then next that was interesting was that the show leader decided to have the two tribes throw in their colors and call for a tribe rebuild. When I say this i mean that the two tribes were not tribes and the members from both groups were reassigned. I kind of expected that this may happen because since the yellow tribe was as down as they were on tribe members vs. the blue tribe. Also with the advantage the blue tribe had with wining the challenges and the yellow tribe only winning one. What I found interesting as well was how the two tribes seemed to be reluctant with the idea of being reassigned even if it meant being pared with their loved ones. I believe they felt this way because they were already getting to know their tribes as well as they were and the two tribes had their own way of doing things that by having the tribe members reassigned that it meant restructuring the tribes.