Survivor Blog #7

At the beginning of the episode the Yellow tribe decided to go over what happened at the last tribal meeting and inform Keith as they felt bad and felt like they had the responsibility to inform him. To clarify what happened, at the last tribal meeting the Yellow tribe decided to vote Dale off but to play it safe they decided to split off the votes and go two for Keith and three for Dale. When Keith saw his name on those two votes he felt betrayed and didn’t know what was going on. By getting together as a tribe and decided to inform Keith of what happened and why the tribe did what they did at the last tribal meeting is an example of decision making.


Back at the Blue tribe, Reed and Josh got together and started to talk about getting other tribe members together to agree on voting off Jeremy. Jeremy has been acting different lately and has been more to himself and less involved with the tribe and has not been much of a tribal member lately. The tribe gets a note or letter notifying them that they are merging and they they need to pack up their things and move to a different location on the island. Jeremy has a similar motive and wants Reed and Josh off out of the tribe.

The Yellow tribe as well gets the letter notifying them that they need to move locations for the merge

The two tribes are now merged and are working together.

Jeremy still has the motive to get Reed and Josh out of the game. The way Jeremy is thinking of doing this is by getting the other members/couples in the game on his side where they will nock them out of the game. Jeremy feels threatened by Josh being a leader, where he wants to be a leader instead and the way to do this is to eliminate the previous leader. Jeremy talks to John about getting numbers on their side and it looks like they have around 7 tribe members.

Josh is aware of what Jeremy is trying to do and knows that Jeremy is trying to get numbers against him and Reed. Therefore Josh is now trying to get numbers on his side and knows that it is now a race to see who is going to get the numbers needed  in order to vote who out first. Josh’s strategy to get numbers on their side by getting the couples on their side. There are more couples in the tribe and by getting them it would give them the advantage they need.

Baylor feels bad that she is going to have to vote off Josh or Reed out since she has a alliance with her mom. Which her mother already has an alliance with Jeremy. This means since her mom has an alliance with Jeremy so does Baylor.

Jaclyn and her boyfriend are deciding who to alliance with. They are worried who will be the better one to have an alliance with.

Later on in the episode the tribe had some trail mix from earlier on. They tried to find it as some tribe members wanted some but they seemed to not be able to find it. In result members begin to search through peoples stuff and find some in Julie’s bag. The members are now upset about the fact that she had some trial mix and they feel like she was trying to hide the food. The members now start to have bad impressions about her and now are talking behind her back.

At the first challenge, the tribe finds out that their is no more tribe immunity but now their is individual immunity where one person will be immune from a tribal council. Jeremy is the first one out of the challenge. Keith wins the first challenge and wins the first individual immunity.